Lily Bouquet [$10 Promo Code]
Use Code "Lily10" For An Extra $10 Off Your Lily Bouquet!
Your Lily Bouquet Comes With A 7 Day Guarantee
Every Lily Bouquet from The Flower Bucket is created with farm fresh lilies guaranteed for7 days or replacemedfor free. We pride ourselves onn our bouquets looking exactly like the online photos and can see the proof on our blog! Next day deliveries get free delivery, but if you're out of time we still offer same day delivery. If you need a cheap lily bouquet - check out our options priced under $55. If you're going big, the modern masterpiece is a stunner.
Kyle Brown
, Local Florist Expert
Why Your Lily Bouquet Needs To Come From The Flower Bucket
Free Delivery Options:
Free, next day delivery on all lily bouquets. There is a delivery fee for same day delivery. -
7-Day Freshness Guarantee:
Ourlilies are farm direct and guaranteed to last 7 days or we replace your lily bouquet for free! -
Farm Fresh Flowers:
Our Lilies are farm fresh - Up to 4 days fresher than other florist's lilies!