Professional Review of Breen's Florist in Houston, TX
Welcome to The Flower Bucket's expert review series, where we take a critical look at flower shops across the country to give you an insider's perspective We're excited to share our experience with Breen's Florist in Houston, Texas. Our goal is to give you a friendly, comprehensive look at what it's like ordering from them. We've paid close attention to everything from the freshness of the flowers to the promptness of delivery and the creative flair in their arrangements. Let's dive into what makes Breen's Flowers unique!
Design: ⭐️⭐️⭐️☆☆
Quality: ⭐️⭐️⭐️☆☆
Delivery: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Introduction: Reviewing Breen's Florist
This week I reviewed Breen's florist here in Houston, Texas. Head to our website to see the full review on ordering, quality, and delivery. For the quality portion of the review, I'm looking for any browning, bruising, molding, or just anything that doesn't look quite right on the flowers. So what I found here, as you may, yeah, you can see right here, there's browning on the roses. You can see right there, that's really, really bad. So the quality.
Quality Assessment of Flowers
of the roses is not good, and when I squeeze it, look how soft it is. That rose is gonna last maybe two days, if that. The hydrangea, they're super bouncy, which tells me they're not super fresh. It's probably about a week old. So that hydrangea, instead of lasting another week, might last three days before it starts to go bad. The moms are in good condition.
The wax flower is in good condition. The stock is okay. The stock is kind of tricky here in Texas with the heat, but this particular stock, you can see here, it's just, it's not good. It got chopped off, so I'm not real sure why they even stuck it in here, but the quality on that's not great.
Website Experience
The Dusty Miller looks okay. So yeah, there's the quality. I have several complaints about the website. Now it was easy to navigate, but it was very hard for me to find something that I liked that wasn't $180 and up. So Green's website has a lot of arrangements on it that I personally...
wouldn't choose because it looks like it's for a much older audience. It looks like something that my grandma would like. So if you're looking to send flowers to an older audience, they might be your people. But if you're looking for younger, trendier, more modern design, I would not order from here. Secondly, there was hardly anything on the website for under $80.
Pricing and Value
So this right here, this, you see how big this is in my hand? It's not that many flowers. There are literally three roses in it.
two stems of hydrangea, three mums, three stems of stock, greenery and filler. It's literally not much bigger than my hand. This arrangement was $80. My shop, this would sell for 55 to $60. So you're definitely not getting what you're paying for. You're not getting your money's worth.
Here's what I saw when I was browsing their website. I chose to go into the fall collection to see what was most in season. Here you'll see you've got a pumpkin at $120, that autumn's garland over $100. All of these are small and they're like $120, $80, $100, the Bavarian autumn $95. And then here you get into the pricier things.
Arrangement Size and Price Comparison
which is just insane. That charity on the left for $75 is literally...
filler flowers and wheat. That's it.
Here in the Just Because section, cheapest thing I see, $75, $80, that charity again, literally Daisy Poms Moms Wheat Lilies. There's nothing in that and it's $75. And then you get way more expensive here. Again, just a very pricey forest.
Here's just a closeup of some of the quality, an overall view, the softness of the roses. Once again, the browning on the stock. We don't wanna see stock that's that droopy.
And then for size reference, the size of my hand, look that rose is very brown. It's starting to mold on the inside puddle. Another view of the stock.